-Alicia, I, um...I don't really... I'm not really good at talking. I never have been, but I do need to say this. My time with you as your friend was the best I ever had. And, I... I'm sorry I'm really sorry that things got messed up. -I wish we had the chance to do it over again. -I have to go. -I'll never see you again? -I don't think so. -That's too bad. -I um... Goodbye. -Goodbye. Kalinda是贯穿整个剧情数一数二喜欢的角色经历了从平凡到顶点再到坠落到平凡之下Alicia被迫孤独地成长而在这一切之后还迎来Kalinda和Finn的离开这是多么残忍的经历Kalinda说出我们再不会相见的时候我的心也跟着碎了我不喜欢这样的成长2019/1大森家